Mar 22

We launched a new website that translates almost any language on the planet. See how this benefits local sellers and promotes their properties to a national market. Boise entertains numerous international clients with engineers working at Micron and HP to name a few.

Oct 23

This is a quick tour of Redwood Creek Subdivision in Eagle Idaho showing off some beautiful Fall colors.

Sep 28

In more than two-thirds of the country, housing affordability has dipped to pre-housing bubble levels, creating opportunities for those looking for a bargain. Home prices are expected to rise in 2013 due to fewer distressed sales and the impending housing shortage.

Jul 27

Today we heard a number of news articles that talk about the home price going up $20,000 in the Treasure Valley and I wanted to go over some of the specifics on that and quickly touch on just a few elements that are accurate about that one soundbite and what the reality is today's marketplace.

Apr 13

A quick historical overview of the Boise real estate market. Good news is that prices are now starting to climb slowly.

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